sustainable living
a lifestyle blog
Keep your house organized using this one simple trick
Are you tired of pilling up magazines together to make it look organized? To try to keep your kids’ toys together? To nicely fold blankets every two hours?
How to Work with Natural Light in Your Home
The interplay of light, both natural and artificial, in an interior space sets the mood, enhances visuals, and energizes a room. It is a design element like no other, and one of the most important. Your lighting defines whether your design is a success, or not.
Aromatherapy for Every Room in Your Home
From oils, candles and humidifiers, there are numerous options to add aromatherapy to your home. We’re providing you a roadmap to scent your home, purify your air and keep mold and other bacteria under control.
A Healthier Home in 5 easy steps
We've all heard the phrase “You are what you eat” but what about “You are what you live?” According to The National Human Activity Pattern Survey, a resource for assessing exposure to environmental pollutants, we spend 90% of our time indoors! That’s right folks, a majority of our time is spent at home, at school, in an office building, restaurant or sport arena… you get the picture. It just makes good sense that we increase the health and wellness injected into those spaces to keep our minds and bodies a healthy reflection of those interiors. Anyone can incorporate these 5 simple solutions to create a healthier home. If you’d like our help, please reach out to schedule a 15 minute Discovery Call or check out our Services page.
Home Styling Tips | The Importance of the Finishing Designer Touches
Styling is one of the most important things to consider when renovating or completing a design project. It’s often one of the most fun parts too! Styling is where your creativity really gets to show up and your personality takes center stage. It’s what sets your home apart.
Adding Houseplants to your home for Improve Mental Health
Many of us know that plants are good for indoor air quality, they look beautiful and absorb odors and other toxins. Clients are often stumped at how to incorporate live plants into their interior decor. In comes the many benefits of using a professional Interior Designer! Home Industry Professionals often attend trade shows that showcase the latest and greatest products for your home or office and have the opportunity to ask questions before implementing these products into our designs. Here are the resources and specific products designer approved items for incorporating house plants into your decor!
5 mistakes to avoid when designing an outdoor space
This time of year is one of our very favorites at Bartone Interiors. The weather is getting warmer, flowers and trees are blooming all around, bees are buzzing, and new growth feels so tangible. Spring is a season that inspires so many of our design choices. Start to put an end to allergies in your home through re-thinking these five areas.
Setting the mood of a room using the right color
Color psychology is a fascinating subject that many interior designers dive deep into - why? Because color stimulates emotion and sets the tone for how people feel when they step into a room. Your chosen color palette has the power to create the home of your dreams or a home you’d rather avoid…
Design Must Haves For a Healthy Home
There are many ways to infuse your home with wellness to nourish your family and optimize your quality of life. Check out our three design must haves for a healthy home.