sustainable living
a lifestyle blog
Top 4 myths of home improvements
Our homes are our safe havens; the place we go to rest, recuperate and relax at the end of the day. Homes have a fundamental effect on both our physical health and mental well being. Everything from the color of a wall, the art we display and the amount of clutter in a room can influence our wellbeing….
4 steps to create a healthier home by partnering with a Building Biologist and Sustainability focused Interior Designer
Our homes are our safe havens; the place we go to rest, recuperate and relax at the end of the day. Homes have a fundamental effect on both our physical health and mental well being. Everything from the color of a wall, the art we display and the amount of clutter in a room can influence our wellbeing….
Top 5 Questions to ask a Contractor before allowing them to work in your home!
Too many homeowners delay or avoid home improvement projects because of the horror stories they hear. You may have an idea for a home improvement project, but aren’t sure if it’s even capable of implementing. So…you start thinking you should have a contractor come take a look. After all, they are the professionals, right?
5 tips to a beautiful, sustainable outdoor living space
Our homes are our safe havens; the place we go to rest, recuperate and relax at the end of the day. Homes have a fundamental effect on both our physical health and mental well being. Everything from the color of a wall, the art we display and the amount of clutter in a room can influence our wellbeing….
What is Neuroaesthetics and why it matters when creating a timeless interior design concept
Our homes are our safe havens; the place we go to rest, recuperate and relax at the end of the day. Homes have a fundamental effect on both our physical health and mental well being. Everything from the color of a wall, the art we display and the amount of clutter in a room can influence our wellbeing….
6 design elements and attributes to incorporate Biophilic Design into your home
Our homes are our safe havens; the place we go to rest, recuperate and relax at the end of the day. Homes have a fundamental effect on both our physical health and mental well being. Everything from the color of a wall, the art we display and the amount of clutter in a room can influence our wellbeing….
Interior Design Hacks to Reduce Anxiety and Improve Wellbeing at Home
Our homes are our safe havens; the place we go to rest, recuperate and relax at the end of the day. Homes have a fundamental effect on both our physical health and mental well being. Everything from the color of a wall, the art we display and the amount of clutter in a room can influence our wellbeing….
Top 4 Tips for Healthier Furniture Choices
Today, we are looking specifically at one toxic culprit in the home: furniture. Read below to find four key things to look for in the furniture you purchase for your home.
How to Get Rid of Allergens in Your Home
When it comes to designing exterior spaces, you have many options for defining a purpose! If you’re not sure where to begin; start with what not to do! When you are aware of what not to do, figuring out what you can do feels a lot easier. Being aware of these five common mistakes will set you on the path to creating an amazing outdoor space that is beautiful, functional and reflective of your personal style.
Healthful Living: Creating beautiful spaces that make you feel great
Have you ever realized how your environment impacts how you feel? Have you ever been to a friend’s house, a restaurant, or a coffee house and felt so comfortable that you started talking more openly and just wanted to stay there for hours? Or on the other hand, have you ever been to a place where you felt more anxious and couldn’t wait to get out of there?
5 Spring Makeover Must Haves
Spring is a time of renewal with flowers blooming and days getting longer. Many of us take this opportunity for Spring cleaning after being closed up in our homes all winter. After cleaning out the dust bunnies, be sure to incorporate…
Interior Designers Hacks To Support Your Morning Routine
Mornings can be the most disliked time of day for many! Maybe you are partial to hitting the snooze button a few too many times and you end up racing around trying to get your day started or maybe you just aren’t a morning person in general and you’d like to change that. It’s all too possible to wake up feeling ‘off’.
6 Ways to Add Character to your Interiors through Architectural Paneling
Panel molding is a wood trim that goes over preexisting walls. It is usually raised and decorative to accentuate flat walls.Wall paneling dates as far back at the 13th Century but was popularized as part of British Victorian interiors in the late 17th Century. They were originally designed as a necessity to keep the cold, damp air outside and provide much needed insulation to the structural stone walls.